[PATCH RFC] hosted-setup.sh: Automate trac-admin initenv

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Wed Jun 24 16:16:34 UTC 2009

This avoids the need for prompting for values that can easily be
determined from the project name and the new REPOSTYPE argument.

This could be further improved to call a script to setup the
repository and any mailing lists.

As I'm still learning my way around sysadmin-hosted, I thought I'd ask
for some comments before committing a change like this.

In the process of handling requests, I'm hoping to help improve the
documentation and process so that it is easier and less error-prone.

It should probably also use && after each command so that any failures
stop execution, but I haven't tested trac-admin to verify that it sets
the return code or not.

 configs/web/applications/hosted-setup.sh |   23 +++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configs/web/applications/hosted-setup.sh b/configs/web/applications/hosted-setup.sh
index 7adf080..42134f6 100644
--- a/configs/web/applications/hosted-setup.sh
+++ b/configs/web/applications/hosted-setup.sh
@@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
-usage="Usage: $0 [PROJECT] [ADMIN]"
+usage="Usage: $0 <PROJECT> <ADMIN> <REPOSTYPE>"
-[ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && {
+[ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ] && {
     echo $usage
     exit 1
-sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/${1} initenv
-sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/${1} permission add ${2} TRAC_ADMIN
-sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/${1} permission add authenticated WIKI_CREATE TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY WIKI_MODIFY
-sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/${1} permission remove anonymous WIKI_CREATE TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY WIKI_MODIFY
-sudo -u apache chown -R apache.apache /srv/web/trac/projects/${1}
-sudo -u apache sed -i "s,base_url.*,base_url = https://fedorahosted.org/${1}/," /srv/web/trac/projects/${1}/conf/trac.ini
+[ "$repostype" = "git" ] && repospath="$repospath.git"
+templatepath="$(python -c 'from trac.config import default_dir; print default_dir("templates")')"
+sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname initenv $projectname $db $repostype $repospath $templatepath
+sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname permission add $projectadmin TRAC_ADMIN
+sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname permission add authenticated WIKI_CREATE TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY WIKI_MODIFY
+sudo -u apache trac-admin /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname permission remove anonymous WIKI_CREATE TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY WIKI_MODIFY
+sudo -u apache chown -R apache.apache /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname
+sudo -u apache sed -i "s,base_url.*,base_url = https://fedorahosted.org/$projectname/," /srv/web/trac/projects/$projectname/conf/trac.ini

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
All I really want for Christmas is Santa's list of Naughty Girls.

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