How to generate a .template and .jigdo from an iso image?

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at
Sun May 10 13:22:27 UTC 2009

On 05/08/2009 08:35 AM, Marcelo M. Garcia wrote:
> Hi
> I read the man page. It says that I have to specify only one of the
> options "-i", "-j" or "-t". OK. If I use only -i, my template has the
> same size of image, then there is no point in using jigdo. There must be
> something more.
> My question is how Fedora generates the .template with only 11.1M? The
> command "jigdo-file -i CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso" it's not enough.

Attached is the script Fedora Unity uses to jigdofy it's Re-Spins. Note 
the "function jigdofy()" in the top that may just help you get the 
syntax right.

Note the double slash in the two directories passed to the "jigdo-file 
make-template" command, which functions as a delimiter for jigdo-file, 
so that in the --label parameter, we can 'label' the path and then 
attach a URI (--uri) to be used in the resulting .jigdo file instead.

$1 is the (fully qualified) path to the .iso image,
$2 is the base architecture for the .iso image (i386, x86_64 or ppc in 
our case), and
${version} is the Fedora $releasever (9 or 10 right now).

Also note that /data/os/distr/fedora is a local, full mirror and that 
/data/os/archive/fedora is a local, full archive (with package files 
that have been removed from the mirror because for example they've 
expired and have been superseeded by another update to said package).

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen
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