Very large logfile on torrent1

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at
Fri Sep 25 01:44:14 UTC 2009

So it looks like bttrack did not properly rotate its log in late
August and had been writing to an old inode for a month. This filled
up / to 85%. I cat'd the inode to /srv/tmp/oldlog for perusal.. I then

grep '2./Sep/2009:' /srv/tmp/oldlog > /var/log/bittorrent/bttrack.log

to get the last 4 days (500 mb of stuff) and started up bttrack again.
I then did

grep '2./Sep/2009:' /srv/tmp/oldlog > bttrack.log.20090919 and gzipped
that into /var/log.

Stephen J Smoogen.

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?
-- Robert Browning

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