Looking for people who need guests.

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Sat Sep 26 04:21:18 UTC 2009

On 09/25/2009 04:35 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
> I'm looking to put some load on our new cloud environment.  This is a
> pre-pre-pre type setup.  The guests will go up, they'll go down.  You know
> the deal.  You'll only have this guest for a month or so but if you think
> you could use a guest, let me know.  Because right now the guests aren't
> actually doing work.

Probably won't be putting much load on these, but could you hook me up 
with two? We're going to be running a Fedora-centered POSSE[1] in 
Singapore in November and having sandboxes to play with as trial-run 
attendee setups would be nice. Stability and reliable availability 
totally not needed, so this seems to fit the bill. ;)

--Mel (FAS username mchua)

[1] http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE - college lecturers 
(thanks to Harish, I now know that the word "professor" means different 
things in different countries) coming to learn how to participate in an 
open source project - in this case, Fedora - so that they can bring the 
students in their classes into the same.

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