[Fedora-it] F10 e Press Archive

Francesco Ugolini fugolini a fedoraproject.org
Gio 18 Dic 2008 16:59:59 UTC

Se non sbaglio Luca aveva inziato un thread in merito (per l'Italia),
eventualmente, se qualcuno si offre volontario, potrebbe essere
interessante riprendere tutti quei siti ed inserirli nella pagina
sotto citata.


Francesco Ugolini

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Roberts <jonrob a fedoraproject.org>
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Press Archive
To: fedora-marketing-list a redhat.com

Re: my other e-mail, one of the items I mentioned was that we should
archive press coverage not just on the mailing list but also on the
wiki. Just took a quick look and remembered we already have this in


It's divided into releases, although there is nothing there for F10
yet. (I remember doing F9 after the fact, and it was painful
experience, much better to just keep updated as we go along).

So here is a plea, to anyone who has press pieces to share with this
list, please also take a moment to bookmark the above link and
document it on the wiki too.



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