[Fedora-it] [Fwd: [Ambassadors] Event Budget September 1 - November 30]

Francesco Ugolini fugolini a fedoraproject.org
Lun 14 Lug 2008 13:47:36 UTC

2008/7/10 Gianluca Varisco <gvarisco a redhat.com>:
> Guys,
> Se vogliamo organizzare qualcosa Fedora-related ad uno o più Linux Day
> (ultima settimana di Ottobre), è il momento di iniziare a parlarne, abbiamo
> 20 giorni per pianificare e inoltrare le nostre richieste.
> Fatemi sapere.
> Cheers,
> --
> Gianluca Varisco, RHCE
> Intern - Web Engineering, Red Hat Italia
> Tel.: +39  02 5681 4487
> Fax : +39  02 669 3111
> Cel.: +39 333 574 0934
> Address/Indirizzo:
> Via Antonio Da Recanate 1
> 20124 Milano
> Hi Ambassadors,
> If you are organizing an event that takes place in September, October, or
> November, and you want budget from FAMSCo, make sure your event is on the
> FedoraEvents page by August 1.
> We've had a great first half of 2008, and it's time for us to all start
> thinking about the events that are coming up during Q3, which in Red Hat's
> timeframe is September 1 - November 30.
> As you recall, the process that FAMSCo uses for allocating budget for events
> is as follows:
> One month before the start of the quarter, all events that are (a) listed on
> the FedoraEvents page and (b) have a specific owner on the FedoraEvents page
> are allocated budget based on the funds available for that quarter.
>  Anything not on the FedoraEvents page in time will have to be considered
> separately by FAMSCo for budget.
>        https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents
> So, that means anyone who is planning an event for September, October, or
> November needs to get their event on the FedoraEvents page, and have a
> sub-page for organization (if necessary) set up by August 1, which is about
> 3 weeks from now.  My thanks to everyone who already has their events on
> there.
> We're going to start the Events budget for next quarter at $12,000 USD, but
> past experience has shown us that the number will creep up over time.
>  Therefore, starting at $12,000 USD gives FAMSCo some "buffer space" for
> unexpected things that come up.
> Please note that FUDCon Brno 2008 has its own separate budget, and funding
> that event will not come out of FAMSCo's budget.
> In addition to thoe events that FAMSCo funds, FAMSCo also will continue to
> set aside money to specifically support local regions in things like
> creating swag and producing media.
> Thanks for your time and attention.  Keep up the great job representing
> Fedora!
> --Max
> --
> Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
> Fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
> _______________________________________________
> Fedora-it-list mailing list
> Fedora-it-list a redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-it-list

Ora non ho l'email con me, ma ho ricevuto un invito a partecipare ad
un Linux Day, avendo un tirocinio in quel periodo (non so ancora i
giorni) non so dire se potrò partecipare, appena riesco a rintracciare
l'email la "forwardo" qui, così da vedere cosa è possibile fare.


Francesco Ugolini

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