[Fedora-it] italian linux day (25th October 2008)

Luca Foppiano luca a foppiano.org
Sab 26 Lug 2008 12:13:57 UTC

Hi all, 
I and other Italian guys are organizing the Italian Linux day (fedora
side), in particular, what and how to do to promote fedora during Linux
day, which will be October 25th 2008.

Italian Linux day has a short complication: is distributed on about 100
events in all around the country, depends on how many LUGs decide to
participate (a dynamic events map, here [1]).

Having more than 100 events all around Italy is quite complexed to
manage with classical methods (send CDs, t-shirt, and so on), we decided
to bet on innovation.

Last year was the "USB key year" (fedora is the first distribution which
allow a usb creation), so this Linux day will be the "fedora station usb
creation" Linux day.
With Francesco Crippa suggestion, we want to create a new product called
for example "fedora starter kit" or "fedora creation station", "fedora
distribution station" (the name is still WIP, and we need
fedora-marketing help to find the best attractive and nice name).

This product is composed of various part to build a fedora creation
station [2]:
 * a manifest
 * a personalized box 
 * two, three t-shirt
 * a usb cable
 * a CD/DVD with a fedora live + some ISOs + kobold
 * Stickers to attach to created usb keys (which will be provided by

We need few things: 
 - find a name for product
 - create artwork:
 	* artwork for the box (we can print a personalized box), we need a log
for this product
	* artwork for CD/DVD

This product is designed to be a geek product and if person receive that
box with a product to build, is more enthusiastic and interesting than
receive something difficult to use and no attractive.

We are collecting information and, as first step we are trying to
understand how much for each box. 

If you have any suggestion about any aspect of my report, tell me ;-)


[1] http://www.linuxday.it/

-- Today is Sweetmorn, the 60th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3174

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