[Fedora-it] Re: [Ambassadors] italian linux day (25th October 2008)

Francesco Crippa fcrippa a byte-code.com
Mer 30 Lug 2008 08:09:14 UTC

----- "Luca Foppiano" <luca a foppiano.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 14:13 +0200, Luca Foppiano wrote:
> > If you have any suggestion about any aspect of my report, tell me
> ;-)
> Did anybody (who live outside Italy) read my mail? No feedback?

apparentrly not ;-)

But for me it's +1.
Today we'll try to write a page (@wiki) to describe our budget request.

Take care

Francesco Crippa
fcrippa a byte-code.com

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