[Fedora-it] [Fwd: [Ambassadors] Release Party Contest Winner]

Luca Foppiano luca a foppiano.org
Mer 11 Giu 2008 08:34:30 UTC

IMHO come al solito gli US contano diversamente dagli altri...

@ugolini: non mi è chiaro che metro di misura abbiate usato..

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jeffrey Tadlock <linux a elfshadow.net>
Reply-To: fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com
To: fedora-ambassadors-list <fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com>
Subject: [Ambassadors] Release Party Contest Winner
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 21:05:01 -0400

Following the release of Fedora 9 there were numerous release parties
held worldwide - with parties taking place from Italy, to the US, to
Romania to Bangladesh and more.  During this time we saw a lot of
excellent event reports posted to mailing lists and on blogs of
organizers and attendees letting everyone know how the party went and
allowing us to see for ourselves through many pictures taken at the
events.  All of the parties were a great success.

Before I announce the winner of the Fedora laptop bag being offered
for the Release Party Contest [1], I want to take a moment to thank
everyone who participated.  It takes a lot of work to plan and prepare
for a release party and then after the event, write the event reports
and gather up the photos of the event and posting them for everyone
else in the Fedora community to see.  The Fedora Ambassador Steering
Committee and the Fedora community as a whole greatly appreciate the
hours the volunteers spent making sure Fedora had a presence in their
community and spreading information about the Fedora Project
worldwide.  This work helps build the community - both in increasing
the number of Fedora users and finding more contributors to join the
project.  Thank you for all of your work.

We could only choose one winner of the Release Party Contest and it
was difficult to do so.  In selecting a winner FAmSCo took a number of
items into consideration, including what types of events happened at
the party, number of attendees, creativity and quality of the event

Amongst all of the great entries we received, it is my pleasure to
announce the Los Angeles, California Release Party organized by Grady
Laksmono as the winner!

Grady put a lot of work into the release party, not even being
deterred when the Fedora 9 release date slipped.  The event was held
at the California State University in the College of Engineering,
Computer Science, and Technology and was attended by approximately 40

Grady's full event report and pictures are posted here:


Thank you Grady for all of your work and we hope you enjoy the new
laptop bag we will be arranging to have shipped to you.

Again - a huge thank you to everyone who helped organize a release
party for Fedora 9!


[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-ambassadors-list/2008-April/msg00196.html

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