[Fedora-it] EMEA Fudcon - Brno

Luca Foppiano luca a foppiano.org
Lun 30 Giu 2008 20:57:22 UTC

On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 22:47 +0200, Francesco Crippa wrote:
> ----- "Luca Foppiano" <luca a foppiano.org> wrote:
> > [...]
> > >Praga e Brno).
> > 
> > sticazzi...ma chi decide?
> ....soprattutto... ma QUANDO decidono? ;-)

ma decide il board?

Today is Sweetmorn, the 35th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3174

It's always darkest just before it gets pitch black.

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