[Fedora-it] Fwd: [Ambassadors] a new quarter is starting

Luca Foppiano luca a foppiano.org
Mar 25 Ago 2009 15:13:15 UTC


Sent from my HTC Android phone.

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Max Spevack" <mspevack a redhat.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 3:53 PM
Subject: [Ambassadors] a new quarter is starting
To: <fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com>

Hi Ambassadors (in particular the regional leaders),

September 1 marks the beginning of a new quarter for Red Hat, and for us 
that means our Fedora budget for event sponsorship, swag production, 
etc. all over the world is "refreshed".

As you have your regional meetings in the next weeks, it would be great 
if each region of the world could figure out a few things about its 
plans for September - November/December.

(a) what its plan is for getting Fedora 12 media in November, and how 
much it thinks it needs.

(b) What the big events that need funding are, the plans for those 
events, etc.

(c) What kind of swag (flyers, shirts, stickers, buttons, etc.) are 
needed in the region, the plan for producing them, and potential cost.

By mid-September, I'm hoping we can have a clear picture of what is 
needed to support Fedora all over the world through the end of F11 and 
beginning of F12, so that when our final budget for FAMSCo is set, we 
can divide it up and spend it appropriately worldwide.


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Fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com
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