[Fedora-it] Fwd: [Ambassadors] cerea fair - budget request

Luca Foppiano luca a foppiano.org
Mar 8 Dic 2009 15:37:21 UTC


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Ambassadors] cerea fair - budget request
Date: 	Tue, 08 Dec 2009 09:52:52 +0100
From: 	Luca Foppiano <luca a foppiano.org>
Reply-To: 	fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com
To: 	fedora-ambassadors-list a redhat.com

Hi all,
since August I'm trying to organize a meeting for the Italian fedora
ambassador and supporters during the Cerea fair (an electronic/radio
amateur/computer fair in Italy - near Verona - with about 10000
participants) on January 16th and 17th 2010.

The expo area is divided into two zones, the expo and the conference
(with sits for 250 people). The conference wasn't used so far, in fact
the idea was that we start using it for the first time during the fair,
to do some speech and talks about fedora and the free software stuffs.

Unfortunately - I can sadly say thanks to the low interest to some
people to move and to contribute - we miss this opportunity (I can't
oblige people to come, and I can understand that sometimes traveling
within Italy might be a PITA), but we have now the opportunity to have
our own booth during the whole fair.

I put all the information we need in this page:

What I'm asking is a small budget for the accomodation and to refund
some travellers that come from far away:

The accomodation is really cheap: around 20€ per person, per night and
the travel is just to refund some people (most of us come from the same
city so we will share the car).

Probably we'll need gadget as well, but I'm still checking to see if we
have something left.


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