[Fedora-it] [Fwd: Local community domains]

Alexjan Carraturo axjslack a gmail.com
Gio 5 Feb 2009 08:07:58 UTC

2009/2/5 Luca Foppiano <luca a foppiano.org>:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Hello Infrastructure team,
> We occasionally have local communities that want to set up supporting
> sites for spreading Fedora in their region.  They might offer
> localized forums or other assistance that helps them spread Fedora in
> their respective locales.  Red Hat indicated they would be willing to
> purchase a domain for Fedora that we could maintain on behalf of these
> local communities.
> They purchased "fedoracommunity.org" on behalf of the local
> communities, so if we're approached by someone looking for a domain,
> we can assign a subdomain like "xx.fedoracommunity.org".  Mike McGrath
> worked with us to establish an acceptable way to do this, but we
> probably should have a procedure that makes the process acceptable for
> the Infrastructure team.
> I've started drafting a wiki page here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Local_community_domains
> I'd appreciate it if interested parties would review and then edit the
> page, or put input on its Talk page.  I want to end up with a clear
> process for a community member to follow to request and receive a
> community domain.

Beh, questo ci riporta al discorso di qualche giorno fa. Molto interessante.

> --
>  Today is Sweetmorn, the 36th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3175
> algorithm, n.:
>        Trendy dance for hip programmers.
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Alexjan Carraturo
admin of
Free Software Users Group Italia
Fedora Ambassador: Axjslack

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