Pre-release kernel versioning

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at
Sun Apr 29 13:13:19 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 15:03 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:

> kernel-2.6.22-1.3200.fc7.rc2.git15

Not to distract from Thorsten's good points here, but the longer the
kernel n-v-r, the more painful it is for SPARC.

The SPARC bootloader (silo) can't handle label names longer than 15
characters. So, for example, when booty tries to automagically label a
new kernel on Aurora, we get a label like:


The more we overload that n-v-r, the less useful that label is.


- Lose the leading 1. It really doesn't serve much purpose. It would be
better to roll to 10000 if you have that many builds before the kernel

If we only do this, then we get boot labels of:


(with room for 2.6.22-10000.fc7 if we need it)

Also, I'll simply note that Fedora has established naming policy for
pre-release and post-release packages, and I suspect that policy could
be adapted to apply to the kernel.



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