What use is the kernel-debuginfo package?

Chuck Ebbert cebbert at redhat.com
Wed Mar 21 21:55:09 UTC 2007

I can't get a combined source/disassembly listing from objdump
using the kernel-debuginfo package:

1) objdump has no clue how to use the separate debug info:


   No activity, bug is unassigned.

2) The path to the debug info is wrong anyway. In fact, there _is_
   no path info in the .gnu_debuglink section of the kernel modules:

$ objdump -j .gnu_debuglink -D ahci.ko

ahci.ko:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .gnu_debuglink:

00000000 <.gnu_debuglink>:
   0:   61                      popa
   1:   68 63 69 2e 6b          push   $0x6b2e6963
   6:   6f                      outsl  %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
   7:   2e 64 65 62 75 67       bound  %esi,%cs:%fs:%gs:0x67(%ebp)
   d:   00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
   f:   00 21                   add    %ah,(%ecx)
  11:   25                      .byte 0x25
  12:   80                      .byte 0x80
  13:   c9                      leave

This decodes to "ahci.ko.debug" plus a checksum, but it should read

So my question is, who uses this debug info and how do they use it???

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