vanilla/ changes in devel.

Dave Jones davej at
Thu Nov 15 19:53:45 UTC 2007

I just checked something into devel/ that changes how we 'make prep'.
Before, under kernel-2.6.23/ we had a vanilla dir and a fedora-patched
dir called linux-2.6.23.noarch
The vanilla dir used to be just the unpacked tarball.
With the change I just checked in, that dir is now patched up
to the latest upstream (ie, 2.6.24rc2-git5 right now).

This speeds up subsequent make preps quite a bit as the -rc's increase
in size.  The downside (and reason for this heads up) is that anyone
with an existing checkout will find that make prep will now fail
to apply patches as the specfile expects vanilla in the new form.

rm -rf kernel-2.6.23 and make prep again, and it'll all just work out.



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