f9 utrace update

Roland McGrath roland at redhat.com
Wed Oct 15 19:25:19 UTC 2008

I've done a rebase of the utrace patch in the F-9 kernel.
Builds >= have the new code.  It should now
match the rawhide/F-10 version of utrace exactly.

I believe this fixes all the outstanding ptrace-related regressions
reported for f9 kernels.  But I didn't scour bugzilla to keep track.
The ptrace-tests suite results now match upstream kernels on x86_64.
(I haven't actually tested other machines at all lately.) is done in koji and is building right now.
That has only one small fix vs -74, and it's not one for any ptrace issue
(or user-visible at all, just syscall_get_arguments() for utrace modules).

I hope someone will snarf the builds from koji and test in the next day or
so.  (After this week, I'll be on vacation until mid-November.)  Chuck will
decide when a new build should be pushed as an f9 update.


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