T61 architecture

Rui Tiago Matos tiagomatos at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 22:47:07 UTC 2007

On 11/9/07, Jos Vos <jos at xos.nl> wrote:
> There is one important thing to consider: some third-party (proprietary)
> plugins for Firefox (like flashplayer and Acrobat reader) are only
> available in 32-bit mode and for these you need to run 32-bit Firefox.
> So, when running Firefox you also pull in several 32-bit libraries and
> thus have usually 2 active copies of these libraries in memory.

nspluginwrapper allows you to run these plugins (at least flash) with
a 64 bit browser. Plus, it has the added benefit that the plugin will
run outside the browser process, thus, if it crashes it shouldn't take
the browser with it. Actually I don't know why isn't nspluginwrapper
used even on the x86 fedora, AFAICS there are only benefits on its


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