Novell/progeny to take up redhat legacy services

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Sat Dec 6 00:54:04 UTC 2003

Carlos Villegas  said:
> On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 11:33:46PM +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>> you're allowed to distribute the GPL'ed software. -- Or imagine you'd
>> purchase a personalized copy of the software in binary form. The GPL
>> does
>> not cover whether you're allowed to redistribute that personalized
>> binary
>> version. -- Another example where you don't lose the rights in the
>> source
> I'm not a lawyer, but that example (personalized binary) clearly would
> violate the GPL, if the original code is GPL, then any derivative work is
> GPL (personlized source that produced the binary)...

It depends.  Is it an original work that the company you are buying it
from decided to sell licenses to?  IE: MySQL.  If you want a non-GPL
licensed copy you can buy it from them.  Just because you place something
you wrote under the GPL doesn't mean you can license it under other
licenses also.
William Hooper

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