[Fedora-legacy-list] Hello Looking for information

David A. Cafaro dac at cafaro.net
Wed Nov 5 16:44:00 UTC 2003

Hello All,

I just found out about the Fedora Legacy Project today and am very
curious.  As we use RedHat at our school for everything from Clusters,
and Servers to Desktops, the recent change in RedHat's structure has
caused some concerns.  In looking at our options I found this group.

I was wondering if there was some central area (website) listing goals
and plans for this project pretty clearly.  I'm still reading through
the list archives, but was hoping there was something a little less
fluid than a list archive to bring up to the linux groups here in the
area and at work.

Depending on at what point your group is at, I may be interested in
supplying some helping hands, as well as resources.

Thank you for any information.



David A. Cafaro, RHCE, CCNA 
Systems Analyst, Georgetown University, DC
Co-Chair CALUG (Columbia Area Linux Users Group), MD

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