A request for RedHat 8.0 continued support...

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Nov 8 18:33:21 UTC 2003

Quoting Jesse Keating <jkeating at j2solutions.net>:

> "It depends on the amount of volunteers we get".  I know this is horribly
> vague, but hopefully it'll prompt some people to step up and state that
> they'll to the work necessary for 7.3/8.0.

I've already said so, but I'll say it again for the record.  I'll try to
help in any way I can to maintain 8.0 support.  I run a single 8.0 server
(and a single 8.0 workstation that I use to maintain RPMS for that server),
so I don't have a good test base, but I can help maintain it if needed/desired.
I'm fairly familiar with building RPMS, patches, etc.

I'll also mention that I volunteered (off-list) to help with documentation,
and in particular the FAQ docs.  I've not heard back about it lately (which
is fine because my mail server has been acting nasty the last 2 days).  But
I'm still willing to donate some time to either of these causes, if needed.

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