Kernel update advisory text to approve...

Peter M. Abraham peter.abraham at
Thu Aug 5 12:13:56 UTC 2004


Please be sure to keep an eye out on what Progeny did wrong in the latest 
kernel update they released yesterday; please don't include those problems 
in the kernel <smile>. (last post -- RedHat 7.3) and (last post 
RedHat 9).

Thank you.

At 07:34 PM 7/16/2004, you wrote:
>Fedora Legacy will be releasing a kernel update soon. There have been so
>many changes to the new version, I would like a few people to make sure
>we've got everything covered in the release write-up.
>Here's the proposed release announcement. Please compare it to bug #1484
>to make sure I didn't leave anything out, or to check my awful grammar.

Peter M. Abraham, CEO
Dynamic Net, Inc.
Helping companies do business on the Net
Telephone:		1-610-736-3795

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