Fedora Legacy Launch Plan (draft 2)

Troy Dawson dawson at fnal.gov
Fri Jan 2 15:07:50 UTC 2004

Chuck Wolber wrote:
>>1) Clear separation between the official RH/FC updates and Legacy updates.
> Ok, I can understand that. But instead of legacy, why not flrh7.3, 
> flrh8.0, flrh9?

I really have no overall opinion about how they are marked, as long as they 
are marked in some way.  But I don't think flrh is a very good mark.  It took 
me about 3 times reading it through wondering why you would want to mark it 
"Fermi Linux Red Hat".

flrh (besides being very vague) is really only 2 letters shorter.


Troy Dawson  dawson at fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group

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