Legacy mirror structure

Chuck Wolber chuckw at quantumlinux.com
Mon Jan 19 20:17:53 UTC 2004

> On Monday 19 January 2004 11:50, Chuck Wolber wrote:
> > > How would you have two-path-monte going on?
> >
> > When you realize you were being too shortsighted and have to have two
> > paths to the same location so you don't break tools.
> Well yea, but specific to our system, how would we wind up at a two-path
> issue?

If we have to make a change later on. You can't just make a path change, 
or else you'll have a ton of nightly cronjobs breaking all over the place. 
You have to do it gradually with a bit of fanfare.


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
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