Legacy mirror structure

Chuck Wolber chuckw at quantumlinux.com
Mon Jan 19 21:10:53 UTC 2004

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Monday 19 January 2004 12:17, Chuck Wolber wrote:
> > If we have to make a change later on. You can't just make a path
> > change, or else you'll have a ton of nightly cronjobs breaking all
> > over the place. You have to do it gradually with a bit of fanfare.
> Ok, but magic eight ball isn't helping out here.  Given the current way
> that Fedora.redhat.com's mirror system is layed out, and given that
> their RHL tree is really not going to change, do you forsee anything
> that is going to catch us with my current proposal?

Other than my previous suggestions, no. But, my magic 8-ball seems to be a 
little off today as well...

I still think $language and $arch are good ideas, if only because it gives 
us a vector to branch off of later on. We simply don't know what $stupid 
things we're going to be doing in the future.


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