RH9 mirror list?

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Jul 9 16:55:13 UTC 2004

Quoting John Dalbec <jpdalbec at ysu.edu>:

> This file doesn't exist.
> http://fedoralegacy.org/download/fedoralegacy-rh9-mirrors.list

Since FL does not have a RH 9 apt program yet, there is no RH9 apt mirror list

> Shouldn't it?

Not sure, but it doesn't *need* to exist until there is an apt to use it
with.  I suppose it could exist, but I'm not sure it should.  Might confuse
people to provide RH9 apt configuration when we don't yet provide a RH9
apt program.

> John

Eric Rostetter

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