Yum update problems - slightly maybe off topic

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Mar 8 18:59:55 UTC 2004

Quoting Seth Shoemaker <sshoemaker at perfectorder.com>:

> future?  The main problem I have with this is that if I set my machines
> to auto update using yum and it stops programs such as mysql that I need
> to have running all of the time, this is a bad thing!

Never, ever set servers or other important (must be up and running) machines
to use unattended auto-upgrade features of yum, apt, up2date, or anything
else.  You will only cause yourself pain and suffering.  You can have it
run on a regular basis to download and advise you that updates are needed,
but you should never have it do unattended updates if the machine/service
uptime is important.

It may be fine to do unattended auto-updates on your desktop or laptop, but
not on your critical servers...

> Thanks.
> Seth Shoemaker

Eric Rostetter

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