apt or yum?

WipeOut wipe_out at users.sourceforge.net
Wed May 12 09:28:19 UTC 2004

Markus Hakansson wrote:

>Are there any arguments for which of these to chose?
>As I understand it, yum has been chosen as 'the official'
>up2date-replacement for Fedora Legacy (and Fedora Core), is that
>Are the yum and apt repositories updated at the same time, or is one the
>'master' so the other might lag behind?
>Personally, I like apt better for its speed but I feel that I don't
>really know if yum has any technical advantages.
>Could anybody shed any light on this?
This has been discussed quite a lot with people defending their own 
choice quite strongly..

I would say use which ever one you are comfortable with.. Personally I 
use YUM because I found it simple to use and it did what I needed, so I 
have never tried APT..

Youe question is like many in the Linux and OSS world.. similar examples 
are "Should I use Gnome or KDE?", "Which Distro is best?" or "Should I 
use Netscape, Mozilla or Konqueror?".. These all have the same answer, 
which ever you prefer..


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