RH9 user - what should I do?

ral77 ral77 at bellsouth.net
Thu May 13 03:23:27 UTC 2004

Michael Schwendt wrote:

>On Sat, 08 May 2004 13:12:55 +0200, Troed Sångberg wrote:
>>I must be blind. I've looked all over the Fedora Legacy project page, read  
>>(I think, at least) the available documentation on the web, but I have _no  
>>idea_ what to do to get my RH9-machine that previously used up2date for  
>>security updates, to start using the packages from the Legacy project.
>Not enough people preparing the documentation in time.
>>Please - a step-by-step guide that doesn't ask me to choose between  
>>yum/apt-whatever since I, as a stupid RH9 user, have only got a very vague  
>>idea on the difference and significance of that choice?
>Let me see. My suggestion:
>* Run: rpm --import http://www.fedora.us/FEDORA-GPG-KEY
>* Get http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/9/i386/RPMS.stable/yum-2.0.3-0.fdr.1.rh90.noarch.rpm
>Install it with "rpm -Uvh yum-2.0.3-0.fdr.1.rh90.noarch.rpm"
>Or install it directly with "rpm -ivh http://...." of the network.
>RPM can do that.
>* Install the Fedora Legacy public key for verifying package signatures.
>  rpm --import http://www.fedoralegacy.org/FEDORA-LEGACY-GPG-KEY
>* Choose a mirror of Fedora Legacy for Red Hat Linux 9 from the website,
>  e.g. modify /etc/yum.conf in the section that reads
>  [redhat-updates]
>  name=Red Hat Linux $releasever ($basearch) updates
>  baseurl=
>    http://download.fedora.us/...
>  to use a different baseurl= such as:
>  baseurl=http://legacy.linux.duke.edu/redhat/$releasever/updates/$basearch/
>* If you don't want any of the Fedora.us add-ons for Red Hat Linux 9,
>disable the [fedora-stable] entry in the lower half of /etc/yum.conf.
>* Then run "yum update" for the first time to fetch package headers. Note
>there is a "yum" service which can download updates at night.
>fedora-legacy-list mailing list
>fedora-legacy-list at redhat.com
Hello Michael,

I just  followered  the above  procedures  you posted  and it worked  
Thank you for your very informative post.

Best regards,

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