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Michael J Schout mschout at gkg.net
Wed Feb 9 04:22:13 UTC 2005

Eric Rostetter wrote:

>>My employeer is currently using a private yum repository in which we
>>publish many of the fixes from fedora's bugzilla system in the meantime.
> Why not contribute some of that back to FL?

Not sure what you mean by that, because I'm taking the packages out of 
FL's own bugzilla.  I'm just installing them before they get into 

I have been doing QA on packages once they make it into updates-testing, 
but I just started doing this recently :).  I can only do this for 7.3, 
and only some on FC1.  I have local access to numerous 7.3 machines, and 
remote access to only one FC1 machine :).  I dont have access to any RH9 
machines so I am no help there :).

My message may have sounded overly critical of the project.  That was 
not my intent.  I realize that FL is short handed and there just isn't 
enough help :).

Michael Schout

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