Fedora Legacy Test Update Notification: subversion

Marc Deslauriers marcdeslauriers at videotron.ca
Thu Feb 24 03:58:01 UTC 2005

Fedora Legacy Test Update Notification
Bugzilla https://bugzilla.fedora.us/show_bug.cgi?id=1748

Name        : subversion
Versions    : rh9: subversion-0.27.0-4.legacy
Summary     : A Concurrent Versioning system similar to CVS.
Description :
Subversion is a concurrent version control system which enables one or
more users to collaborate in developing and maintaining a hierarchy of
files and directories while keeping a history of all changes.
Subversion only stores the differences between versions, instead of
every complete file.  Subversion also keeps a log of who, when, and why
changes occured.

As such it basically does the same thing CVS does (Concurrent Versioning
System) but has major enhancements compared to CVS and fixes a lot of
the annoyances that CVS users face.

Update Information:

Updated subversion packages that fix several security issues are now

Subversion is a concurrent version control system.

Subversion versions up to 1.0.2 are vulnerable to a date parsing
vulnerability which can be abused to allow remote code execution on
Subversion servers and therefore could lead to a repository compromise.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0397 to this issue.

Subversion versions up to and including 1.0.4 have a potential Denial of
Service and Heap Overflow issue related to the parsing of strings in the
'svn://' family of access protocols. The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CAN-2004-0413 to
this issue.

Users of subversion are advised to upgrade to these errata packages,
which contain backported patches correcting these issues.


* Wed Feb 23 2005 Marc Deslauriers <marcdeslauriers at videotron.ca> 
- Added missing bison, byacc and libxml2-devel BuildPrereq
- Disable make_check

* Mon Jun 14 2004 Marc Deslauriers <marcdeslauriers at videotron.ca> 
- security patches for CAN-2004-0397 and CAN-2004-0413

This update can be downloaded from:



Please test and comment in bugzilla.
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