Fedora Legacy advistory list is lacking

Pekka Savola pekkas at netcore.fi
Fri Feb 25 19:37:22 UTC 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Jesse Keating wrote:
>>   - requiring that the announce message that is sent out is also 
>> copied on the web server, from which the list of advisories is 
>> created immediately, or
>> Manually updating seems to be a waste of energy, error prone, and
>> incurs unnecessary delays.
> Are you offering to code us up something that does this?  Currently we
> are spending our efforts on getting packages out, moving to RH bugzilla,
> and other higher level things which are of more importance.

Since you ask so nicely, here's a quick hack which does it for you. 
Feel free to extend and embrace it if you want.  Below is the quick 
summary how to use the scripts.

Don't get me wrong -- this isn't mission critical thing, but it 
boggles me that someone has actually maintained these manually when 
the work really _has_ to be automated in one way or the other!  For 
that person doing the maintenance, the work is much better justified 
by spending a bit of time in the scripting business than continuous 

Create two directories on the web server:
  - X, where you put advisories like FLSA-1222 (in text) under name 
  - Y, where you have the web directory publish stuff.

Put script htmlize.sh in cron (e.g., hourly run) with:
  'cd X; for i in *; do htmlize.sh $i Y/$i.html; done'

Put script 'create-summary.sh' somewhere and put three instances in 

cd X; for i in *; do create-summary.sh $i 7 > Y/rhl73-updates.html; done
cd X; for i in *; do create-summary.sh $i 9 > Y/rhl9-updates.html; done
cd X; for i in *; do create-summary.sh $i 1 > Y/fc1-updates.html; done

.. now you should get barebones pages "fc1|rhl9|rhl73-updates.html" 
pages which link to a html-ized version of the advisory. (We can 
forget about rhl72 and rhl8 updates.)

If it's unreasonable for those mailing out the advisories to copy them 
on the web server in a particular format, you can implement the logic 
to automatically deal with that e.g., by setting up a procmail at the 
web server.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings
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