priorization and rhl73 server-only help [Re: changes are needed, we need keep moving]

Eric Rostetter rostetter at
Fri Jun 3 19:55:38 UTC 2005

Quoting Pekka Savola <pekkas at>:

> "All -rhl73 packages lacking VERIFY", we have for example,
> krb5, dhcp, [squid?], lvm, postgres, ethereal (and some others).  Some

I just sent a VERIFY for krb5 and ethereal on 7.3 (I'd previously done
ethereal on RHL 9).

I can't change the status whiteboard (says I have to be the bug owner,
or have super powers I don't possess).  So, if someone can take on the
job of changing whiteboard status for those, great.

I see all bugzilla stuff is sent to a email list "bugs at"
and I note it would be cool if I could see all the bugzilla things, so I'm
wondering if there is anyway someone could get added to that "bugs" 
address, or if another list could be setup and automatically added to each
FL bug, so people could elect to get all bugzilla activity?

I'll do more QA when I can (probably this weekend) on RHL 7.3 and RHL 9.
I don't run FC releases, so someone else will have to do those.

Eric Rostetter

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