Seamonkey for FedoraLegacy releases?

David Eisenstein deisenst at
Tue Aug 29 10:09:16 UTC 2006

Was just pondering all the mess of Mozilla versus Seamonkey, and the 
scores of vulnerabilities in Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird that we in Legacy 
haven't done much with in awhile.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux has ended up producing a Seamonkey (for RHEL 2.1, 
RHEL 3, and RHEL 4) that supersedes Mozilla-1.7.13, since the Mozilla 
Foundation no longer supports their namesake browser.

Should we in Legacy go forth and do likewise, so things like Epiphany 
(that depends on pieces of Mozilla to run) can run safely?

If so -- any suggestions of coordination with Fedora Extras since they are 
currently the maintainers of Seamonkey for FC4/FC5/FC(rawhide)?  FC3 too?

Thorsten - does something like this need to be run by the Extras Steering 

Kai - any thoughts/ideas?  Would you like to work with Legacy to get
Seamonkey to replace Mozilla?

Thanks.			-David

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