EOL planning (and observations)

Jeff Sheltren sheltren at cs.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 16 11:07:48 UTC 2006

On Jan 15, 2006, at 12:32 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:

> I've always maintained that I would like to continue support as  
> long as
> there are community members willing to put in the work to make it
> happen.

I agree with that so long as there are enough users to make it  

At the same time, adding one more supported distribution to an  
already overloaded work force may turn out to be the straw that broke  
the camel's back.  My personal observation is that each supported  
distribution adds a lot of work - first for the package builder, then  
for initial QA, and then to find people running each distro in order  
to verify the packages.  Of course for certain packages, the patch is  
simple and it takes an extra minute or two to patch another distro,  
but in other cases the patch is not so simple, there are version mis- 
matches, and you have to spend a long time modifying patches to work  
on a given package.

Anyway, I think that perhaps we need to continue supporting FC1 but  
with the idea in our heads that if things start slowing down too much  
that we drop it so that we can continue to support the other  
distributions in a timely manner.


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