Auto-reporting of successful testing packages

Stuart Low stuart at
Sat Jan 21 05:56:28 UTC 2006


You were thinking exactly what I was thinking and I hadn't been checking
my mail. :(

Consequently, I've also done something very similar. It does however
have a fair number of extra features including:
a) Based on "Install Date" sourced from the rpm utilities
b) Reports back to a central location
c) Uses a "vote" system which basically translates to 1 vote per day the
package is installed on the reporting system.
d) Only reports RPMs which have been installed for longer than
$minInstallAge but not longer than $maxInstallAge.
e) Has a "privacy" option if you don't want to have your machines host
name reported.

Find attached the client version worthy of being put into a crontab &
rerouted to /dev/null. It's only requirements are perl (+ a few standard
modules notably Date::Calc) & curl to be installed.

This has only been tested on Redhat 9 (I only have 1 legacy maintained
machine 8-|).

I've done a basic interface for the data here:

It'd be good if the script tracked what it had already sent information
about but I couldn't see the point (and it'll stop doing so once
maxInstallAge is reached).

Happy to distribute the server side scripts if people need them.

Sorry to have redone work. :-|


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