What we're forgetting . . .

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 18:10:46 UTC 2006

On 6/15/06, Philip Molter <philip at datafoundry.com> wrote:

> With that said, it'd be nice if right after a release was moved into
> FC4, the outstanding bugs (not security fixes, but bugs) were addressed.
>   FC2's kernel, for example, has numerous little bugs that were in
> Bugzilla both before and after the Legacy switch that are easy to fix
> and have been addressed with both posted patches and later updates that
> were just never addressed in Legacy.  The *perfect* time to do this is
> right after the switch.  Think of it as a stability focus period, and
> then once all the little things that tend to get ignored by Fedora
> proper get ironed out (I would think a lot of those things are extremely
> simple to handle), then the distro is really solid for a lifetime of
> security updates.

It would be nice.. but currently the people doing the code work are
probably 4-8 people volunteering their time. You could do a full scale
bug-fix and remediation with a team of 8 people who were full-time on
fixing bugs.. but that costs at least $1.5 million dollars per year
(salaries, benefits, hardware, bandwidth). If we were to take
donations on this per say user per year.. we would need about 32000
users at $50.00/per seat. Doing it via volunteers.. I would say you
would need anywhere between 32 to 64 coders+QA.

> I'm a user, not a QA guy, though.  I'm not sure if my opinion is valid.

Stephen J Smoogen.
CSIRT/Linux System Administrator

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