Fedora products, to upgrade rather than backport?

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Wed May 17 16:01:16 UTC 2006

Quoting James Kosin <jkosin at beta.intcomgrp.com>:

>> not to start any kind of flame war, but just for accuracy's sake,
>> the recent sendmail release *was* tested before public release - i

Yes, but IMHO not enough, but that is totally another matter.

>> that may say that our required testing is insufficient; i wouldn't
>> presume to comment on that.  but i don't believe sendmail was
>> rushed out the door any more untested than any other package would
>> have been.

It was tested as well as anything is, which isn't very well any more.
But again, that is another issue.

The relevant issue with this is that sendmail was indeed a case where
backporting was not feasible, and upgrading was required, for some
versions (in this case old RHL releases).  And an example of both
how FL does upgrade versions when needed, and what kind of issues
can arise when that happens.

As can be seen in the sendmail upgrade, lots of other things (alternatives,
pam, etc) can come into play that are not immediately obvious.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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