location for nvidia driver?

Dave Stevens geek at uniserve.com
Thu Sep 14 00:26:33 UTC 2006


I have an ASUS A8N-VM motherboard with on-board Nvidia graphics and FC3 legacy
up to date. The video driver defaulted to VESA. I want to try the native Nvidia
driver to see if I get better graphics for some apps where it makes a
difference. I have installed the nvidia software supplied with the mobo, for
FC3, and now have an nvidia.ko file. At startup time, though I get a message saying:

"nvidia.ko module for 2.6.12-2.3.lovacy_FC3 kernel not found"

I can locate the file so I know it exists but X won't start, the log file says,
"(EE) No devices detected." I can edit the xorg.conf back to vesa and get a
working system but I don't know where the nvidia.ko module should be. Can I just
copy it to the right directory so the startup routine will find it? And if so
where does it go? 



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