[Fedora-legal-list] Re: New blog post

Pamela Chestek pchestek at redhat.com
Wed Oct 14 20:01:58 UTC 2009

Colby Hoke wrote on 10/08/2009 10:28 AM:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> On 10/08/2009 12:40 AM, Colby Hoke wrote:.
>>> For example, there was a remix of the Truth Happens video that was put
>>> in with some very questionable material. It was offensive. Due to the
>>> copyright (back then we used copyright), we were able to go after that
>>> video and, I assume, have it taken it down.
>> If you allow people to create remixes, they will create some bad remixes
>> but so what? 
> I agree.
>> I know of exactly one example of such a thing tnat that is
>> one you are citing here, in how many years of Red Hat putting out videos
>> like this? 
> Absolutely.
>>  The example also shows that people who actually go about
>> creating such bad remixes don't have a damn about copyright or
>> licensing. 
> Yep.
>> They just will do it and I am pretty sure I can find a copy
>> of that video regardless of what Red Hat does at this point.
> I've no doubt you can.
>> Look at this this way:  Red Hat releases tens of thousands of lines of
>> code and content (such as documentation or even fonts) under various
>> free and open source licenses. It is possible and even likely that
>> someone will add a bad patch to what Red Hat has released or even fork
>> it on occasions. It doesn't negate the benefits at all.
>> Rahul
> Well this can go on all day long. You're preaching to the choir.
> As I've said, time and time again, I agree. I absolutely agree. I've 
> been talking to our legal department and we'll have something figured 
> out very soon regarding this. All I'm trying to say is: this is how it 
> is right now. We've made good progress and I'm just trying to explain 
> why it's this way. I'm not trying to defend it or attack it.
> That said, I hope we can figure out a way to do this!
Okay, we heard (thanks Rahul and Colby).  Going forward, Red Hat videos 
will provide contact information for permissions, so people who want to 
use our videos in ways other than what the current CC licensing allows 
will know who to ask.  For now, if you're interested in doing 
translations of Paul's stunning Stanislavskian performance illustrating 
the development path of software (or using it in some other way - the 
devil is whispering on my shoulder), write to messer at redhat.com. 

Pam Chestek
Sr. IP Attorney
"They sure keep me on my toes."

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