flagged to be skipped ?

AuntieParticle AuntieParticle at satx.rr.com
Wed Dec 3 01:23:04 UTC 2003

Mike Klinke wrote:

>On Tuesday 02 December 2003 13:31, AuntieParticle wrote:
>>Does this mean the updating may not be the best idea? or does it
>>mean that I need to make a clear conscious decision to do so? Forgive
>>me if this all seems very obvious to you :) but I am still learning
>>about linux.
>The latter as you'll want to consider "installing (-i)" rather than 
>"updating (-u)" the kernels.  This will allow you to keep the old 
>kernel on your system in addition to the new.  At boot time you'll be 
>able to choose which to boot into.  After a period of time, if the new 
>kernel fits your needs you can then remove the old kernel.
>Regards,  Mike Klinke
Thanks, you answer is very helpful :)


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