why sendmail and not postfix?

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Dec 4 18:52:41 UTC 2003

Am Do, den 04.12.2003 schrieb Brian Fahrlander um 19:09:
> On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 05:09, Fulvio wrote:
> > why sendmail and not postfix?
>     Ya know, it's probably because of legacy issues.
>     Sendmail uses old-style mailboxes which are just long, flat text
> files.  This is fine unless you have 10,000 messages to go through, and
> I'm convinced that that's why Postfix/Exim/etc were created.

[ snip - just shortened to what I like to reply ]

Brian, sendmail itself does not care in which format the received mail
is stored, either mbox or maildir. The LDA (local delivery agent) does
this job. The are several LDAs and the most popular might be procmail
which can handle both formats. But you can also combine sendmail with
maildrop or cyrus-deliver.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany
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