Ethernet card issue

Alex White prata at
Tue Dec 9 21:46:37 UTC 2003

Forgive me if I'm just a frickin' moron, however this issue only came apparent to me after the install of FC1.  I'll give you my lay out first. 
1. ADSL connection using pppoe. The adsl connection works fine. 

2. Two ethernet cards in the machine. The first card (eth0) is a pci drop in card that runs on the tulip driver. Some sort of LNETX or some such card. It's always worked previous and does work (somewhat I believe) now. The other is a Via-Rhine card integrated onto the Asus mobo(a7v8x-x) it's known as eth1. 

3. ifconfig shows the cards as described above.

4. dmesg seems to not show the above described situation. Rather it states the following:

via-rhine.c:v1.10-LK1.1.19-2.5  July-12-2003  Written by Donald Becker
eth0: VIA VT6102 Rhine-II at 0xed800000, 00:0c:6e:28:5b:11, IRQ 23.
eth0: MII PHY found at address 1, status 0x786d advertising 01e1 Link 41e1.
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
NET: Registered protocol family 24
Linux Tulip driver version 1.1.13 (May 11, 2002)
tulip0:  MII transceiver #1 config 3100 status 7829 advertising 01e1.
eth1: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 32 at 0xf882f000, 00:C0:F0:3D:E8:14, IRQ 19.

5. I run kernel 2.6.0test11 currently. The kernel I use makes no difference to the problem I have at hand.


Regardless of what dmesg says about my ethernet cards, ifconfig identifies the tulip card as eth0 and the via-rhine card as eth1. Irregardless they function (somewhat). I can get LAN boxes (winxp and FC1) out to the net. Here is where I am stumped. Ftp/dcc no longer function correctly for -any- boxes on the nework. My LAN boxes stall out on downloads of any sort after up to or in excess of 1.3 or so megs. The FC1 box that provides the routing (where the two ethernet cards in question are installed) can ftp and all that good stuff.


Thus far, I have tried toying with iptables. I figured connection tracking was broken (as in I didn't load the modules). I did this in 2.4 series for FC1 and in 2.6, the downloading problem still exists. I recompiled 2.6 to have all of the necessary iptables/NAT stuff compiled in. ipv6 stuff is modular. Although the ipv6 modules are currently loaded, this was also true previous to the FC1 install and I had no problem with downloads/uploads. In a fit of just plain "I have no idea what to do now I've done all the iptables reconfiguring I can think of and it still doesn't work" I ran ethtool:

[root at ghostlike log]# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
No data available

I then ran it for eth1:

[root at ghostlike log]# ethtool eth1
Settings for eth1:
        Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
        Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Speed: 100Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Port: MII
        PHYAD: 1
        Transceiver: internal
        Auto-negotiation: on
        Current message level: 0x00000001 (1)
        Link detected: yes

I believe this is what is causing my problem. eth0 is not correctly being identified or whatever. I'm not smart enough to figure this one out on my own. I'm self taught everything and finally I have to ask for some help. Have I given enough information? Perhaps I can show you what mii-tool states for the two cards.

[root at ghostlike log]# mii-tool eth0
eth0: no autonegotiation, 100baseTx-FD, link ok

And for eth1:

[root at ghostlike log]# mii-tool eth1
eth1: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok


Is my problem hardware related, as to why my downloads/uploads die out on the LAN boxes with tryign to either update one of the boxes via yum or even download a kernel tarball from Or is this a configuration error? Here are the modules loaded for my kernel at present, in case this is of some importance to anyone:

[root at ghostlike log]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ide_cd                 37252  0
cdrom                  32672  1 ide_cd
ipv6                  231424  21
autofs                 14272  0
n_hdlc                  8836  1
ppp_synctty             7552  1
ppp_async               9408  0
thermal                11280  0
processor              11556  1 thermal
fan                     2892  0
button                  4568  0
battery                 7948  0
asus_acpi               8728  0
ac                      3724  0

I would like to point out that all of the netfilter/iptable/NAT stuff is compiled into the kernel. Sorry for such a long mail. I can be told to shut up at any point lol


Alex White

We don't have a great war in our generation, or a great depression, but we 
do, we have a great war of the spirit.  We have a great revolution against 
the culture.  The great depression is our lives.  We have a spiritual 
depression. --Fight Club

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