how bleeding edge will the next fedora release be?

Gordon R. Keehn gordonkeehn at
Wed Dec 10 22:02:18 UTC 2003

    I could, until Redhat went and priced themselves out of my range.  I 
could afford a few dollars a year for the privilege of downloading fixes 
from their servers;  I even bought my first couple of distros from them, 
before I got my broadband service.  I have a job and a wife, each of 
which expects 80% of my time.  I spend my days doing software testing 
and support;  when I get home I want to be able to download my email, 
browse a few web pages, and pay my bills without having to worry about 
reporting any problems I might encounter.
    Incidentally, it's the last of the above that insures I'll be using 
Win<whatever> for quite a while to come.  At least until Intuit ports 
Quicken over, or some bright programmer writes a package that runs on 
Linux and talks to my bank.



  Gordon R. Keehn, CPSM Change Team
  CICS/390 Service, USA
  Gordon Keehn/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS, 1-919-254-1690

Jason Malone wrote:

>Nope.  You could always buy RedHat.
>On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 15:14, Preston Crawford wrote:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Karl DeBisschop
>>Sent: 12/10/2003 2:11:41 PM
>>To: fedora-list at
>>Subject: Re: how bleeding edge will the next fedora release be?
>>>My take on it is that FC2 will be as stable as you want it to be. If you
>>>'pay' for the release by testing during the development cycle it will be
>>>more stable than if you sit on the sidelines expecting enterprise
>>>stability for no cost.
>>It's funny that you use the term "pay" since many of us would be happy to pay actual money if the terms weren't constantly shifting. I'd gladly pay for a relatively stable for Fedora. But the only way I can pay is by being a beta tester?
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