up2date updates exits, but icon is still blue check

Clint clint at penguinsolutions.org
Thu Dec 11 11:50:53 UTC 2003

Updates via up2date are available and installable via the up2date icon. 
It stays as a blue check though, and does not seem to be changing to the 
red exclamation point, even though updates are available.

Here is the relevant section of /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file, 
including the original lines I commented out:

### Clint added the comments to the next TWO lines to try to get up2date 
to work
#yum fedora-core-1 http://fedora.redhat.com/releases/fedora-core-1
#yum updates-released 
#yum updates-testing http://fedora.redhat.com/updates/testing/fedora-core-1

### Clint added the next THREE lines to try to get up2date to work
yum fedora-core-1 
yum updates-released 
#yum updates-testing 

How can I get the up2date blue check to change to red when updates 
really are available? I *thought* this feature was working a couple of 
weeks ago, but haven't noticed it changing since.

I click on the blue check once each morning, so it is getting clicked on 
once every 24 hours.


Clint <clint at penguinsolutions.org>

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