up2date updates exist, but icon is still blue check

Dave Roberts ldave at droberts.com
Sat Dec 13 05:37:51 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 13:32, Clint Harshaw wrote:
> I've verified the rhn-applet is up to date, but don't know how to verify 
> that up2date is driven by the sources configured in 
> /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources. How do I do that?

I'm having the same problem. Came back after vacation for a few days,
fired up Evolution to find a bunch of updates listed in the Fedora
Announce list, including security fixes, but my applet remained blue. I
find that if I force it to do a check, it will update correctly, but it
doesn't seem to do the right thing when it is polling (*if* it's
polling, which I can't really tell).

- Dave

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