How do list threads work for MIME digest? (Karl DeBisschop)

Robert kerplop at
Sat Dec 13 19:03:20 UTC 2003

fedora-list-request at wrote:

>>  10. Re: How do list threads work for MIME digest? (Karl DeBisschop)
>Message: 10
>Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 11:45:27 -0500
>From: Karl DeBisschop <kdebisschop at>
>To: fedora-list at
>Subject: Re: How do list threads work for MIME digest?
>Reply-To: fedora-list at
>>> Are the threads held together based on the text of the subject line or
>>> is there some magic in the header  that makes it work?
>>> The reason I ask is that I get  the MIME digest and if all that is
>>> required to maintain a thread is the subject line--no problem but If
>>> there is some kind of non-subject line tracking involved,  how do I
>>> reply from a digest.?
>There is a message/thread id that the digest looses, so at best, I think 
>your message will be listed in the thread, but with a qualification that 
>the list software was not sure it was in the thread.
>>> I'm using TB .4 and it forces a reply to the entire digest and won't
>>> allow a reply to a single message.
>I'm trying to puzzle out the same issue.
>There are text-mode MUA that (I'm told) do what we want. Pine is one 
>For TB 0.4, try double-clicking on the attachment at the bottom of the 
>digest (you should be able to read the title of each thread in a smaller 
>inset window). That shoul get you just the one thread, with the proper 
>subect and all.
>There is a context menu that gives a couple of reply options, but they 
>do not seem to work.
>So it looks as if the issue is on the radar screen of the developers, 
>but isn't quite implemented yet.

If I understand the question, I have just now fixed mine so that it will work right with Mozilla 1.4.1.  The clue is in the file /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.1.2/README wich says, in part:
    - Per-user configuration optional digest delivery for either
      MIME-compliant or RFC 1153 style "plain text" digests.

Sure enough, I went to the web page and changed the 3rd bullet from "plain text" to "mime" and I expect that the problem is fixed.  Fact is, I'm pretty confident because my subscription to redhat-list digest worked 'right' and that option was the only difference.


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