redhat-config-printer sharing bug?

Michael Schwendt ms-nospam-0306 at
Sun Dec 21 00:39:32 UTC 2003

In redhat-config-printer, menu "Action > Sharing > Queue", there are the
Add/Edit buttons to maintain the list of "Allowed hosts". The dialog says

  "Choose which other computers may use this queue."

at the top. But when one enters a "Single IP address" of such an "other
computer" at the bottom, the tool adds a "Listen" statement _and_ an
"Allow from" statement to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. Consequently, the server
fails to (re)start because it fails to bind to those IP addresses of
"other computers". IMO the tool should calc the network address and
listen on the network address and "Allow from" the entered IP address.

If this feature is to bind to the individual IP addresses of multiple
network devices, however, the dialog description and the added "Allow
from" are wrong.

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