
Jay Turner jkt at redhat.com
Tue Dec 23 11:41:12 UTC 2003

On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 12:17:15AM -0500, Krikket wrote:
> 1>  I updated the kernal.  Assuming that everything is working fine (I
> haven't confirmed this, and suspect some problems) how do I remove the old
> kernam, from the harddrive?  I only have a 4 GB on my harddrive, so the
> extra space would be handy...

'rpm -q kernel' will show all of the kernels installed on the system
'rpm -e kernel-<version>-<release>' will remove the kernel from your system

For example:

(root):i686]# rpm -q kernel

Then you could:
(root):i686]# rpm -e kernel-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl

> 2>  Before I upgraded the kernal, I was able to SSH in to the laptop from
> the outside world.  (For the moment, I have it set up as a server, to help
> test other things.  This is only temporary.)  Now when I attempt to "ssh
> foobaz.net", I'm getting a connection refused.

As 'root', try running
'service sshd status'
which will show the status of the server process which responds to ssh
requests.  If you get back a message that the service isn't running, then
you've found the problem, in which case, do the following:

'service sshd start'   <- will start up the sshd daemon
'chkconfig --level 345 sshd'   <- will put entries in initscripts to start
                                  up sshd in runlevel 3, 4, and 5 so that
                                  it starts the next time you boot the

- jkt

Jay Turner, QA Technical Lead      jkt at redhat.com             Red Hat, Inc. 

        Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
                                                   - Albert Einstein

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