remote X

Joe Frohne joe at
Mon Dec 29 19:30:22 UTC 2003


Sorry if this has been discussed, but I am looking for some help.  I
am running FC1 and trying to open a remote X session.

On the FC1 box, I disabled all ip filtering and did xhost + to open
the machine all the way.  On the remote machine, set display to
FC1:0.0 and tried to fire up xclock.  This produces the following
error no matter what I do:

Error: Can't open display: FC1:0.0

Any suggestions?  Known problem?  Also, I can localy start xclock
with no problems.

Thank you,

Joe Frohne
Rawson Oaks Consulting, Remote Oracle Admins
joe at or joe at
Oak Creek, WI, USA

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